Portrait FAQ

  • What are the paintings made from?

    Paintings are mainly made of oil on canvas. Other possibilities include acrylic, oil pastels or mixed media.

  • How much a portrait costs?

    Portraits prices start at €600 for a 40 x 40 cm canvas based from a photo. Prices are based on size. Live painted portraits prices starts at €2000 (70 x 90 cm.) with a minimum of 3 sessions of 3 hours each.

  • How is the process?

    Once we have a phone consultation and you agree with the project, you need to transfer 60% of the final price (non-reimbursable) to the Studio account. Through the making process, I will send you updates to your email with the main composition (in a coloured sketch), 3 photos of the process and the final image. You can always give your opinion and suggestions to enrich the piece (but not change the concept, composition or colour agreed). After I sent to you the final digital image, you need to transfer the 40% left and I will deliver the painting to you via DHL. If you are in Frankfurt, I could even bring it personally.

  • How long does it take to do a portrait?

    It depends on my workload at the moment. Usually, I complete the commission between 2 and 4 months.

  • Do I give you a photo to paint from?

    Yes. In case of portraits from a photo, you need to provide a high-quality photo (the bigger the resolution, the better). It is possible that if I don’t find the photo appropriate for a portrait (because of the lighting, detail, etc) I will ask you for another photo.

  • Can you paint more than one person in the same portrait?

    Sorry, because I celebrate the individuality of my clients/models, I do not paint group or family portraits.

  • Do you receive commissions outside Frankfurt am Main?

    In case of a photo-based portrait I receive commissions from all over the world. For live portraits, I just work in the Rhein-Main area.

  • What is included on the price?

    Almost everything. The portrait, delivery and my travel expenses (when applicable). That is why I request a phone consultation, so I can tailor my service exactly for your needs and give you the right price.

  • Can I commission a portrait for someone else?

    Yes, you can commission a portrait of you or for that special person. If you want the portrait as a gift for someone, let me know and I will prepare an e-coupon. This is a perfect stylish gift for your partner, parent, son/daughter or best friend.

  • Can you make a photo session for my portrait?

    Yes. If you are in the Main Rhine area, I can go with my camera and lighting equipment and have a meeting. These costs will be added to the final price.

  • In what sizes can I commission a painting?

    Almost any size or format you want. From a 40 x 40 cm Instagram-style square to 2 meters and more. We will discuss one-on-one the best choice for you.